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1851 Census of New Brunswick
Home / 1851 NB / Sunbury County / Burton Parish / page 21

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Line FID Surname Givens Sex Relation Age Race Occupation Date of
Sick or
Remarks Links
1 4006 Burtt Robert M Head 54 Scotch farmer servant 1815
2 4006 Burtt Elizabeth F Wife 36 Scotch Born in colony
3 4006 Burtt John R M Son 4   Born in colony
4 4006 Burtt Phoebe A F Daughter 2   Born in colony
5 4007 Niles Samuel M Head 47   farmer servant Born in colony
6 4007 Niles Unice F Wife 45   Born in colony
7 4007 Niles George M Son 23   Born in colony
8 4007 Niles James M Son 20   Born in colony
9 4007 Niles Letitia F Daughter 18   Born in colony
10 4007 Niles Mary Ann F Daughter 16   Born in colony
11 4007 Niles Catherine F Daughter 13   Born in colony
12 4007 Niles Nathanial H M Son 10   Born in colony
13 4007 Niles Elizabeth F Daughter 8   Born in colony
14 4007 Niles Henry M Son 7   Born in colony
15 4007 Niles John M Son 3   Born in colony
16 4010 Bell Letitia F   83 Irish Servant Widow of ? 1783 infirm from age
17 4012 Deveber Henry M Head 75 American farmer prop. 1783 from NY
18 4012 Deveber Cornelia F Wife 60 American Born in colony
19 4012 Deveber Caroline F Daughter 35 American Born in colony
20 4012 Deveber Claudius H M Son 30 American farmer Born in colony
21 4012 Deveber Cornelia F Daughter 25 American Born in colony
22 4012 Deveber Ellen F Daughter 20 American Born in colony
23 4012 Allan Ann F Boarder 30 American Born in colony
24 4013 Estey Jacob M Head 71 American farmer prop. Born in colony
25 4013 Estey Theodocia F Wife 64 American Born in colony
26 4013 Estey Eleanor F Daughter 38 American Born in colony
27 4013 Estey Richard M Son 31 American farmer Born in colony
28 4014 McDade Edward M Head 46 Irish farmer servant 1824
29 4014 McDade Ellen F Wife 44 Irish 1827

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