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District Summary Français
Humboldt, Saskatchewan
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1 902 Townships 41 42 in range 28 west of the 2nd M and township 41 in range 27 west of the 2nd M
2 850 Township 42 in ranges 25 26, 27 west of the 2nd M
3 900 Townships 40 41 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 2nd M
4 350 Townships 40 41, 42 in range 24 west of the 2nd M
5 600 Townships 40 41, 42 in ranges 22, 23 west of the 2nd M Part of townships 40, 41 west of Lake Lenora
6 450 Township 41 in range 19 west of the 2nd M and townships 41 42 in ranges 20, 21 west of the 2nd M Silver Park, Lenora Lake, Kermoria, St. Brieux and Cilly
7 550 Townships 40 41, 42 in ranges 17, 18 west of the 2nd M
8 300 Townships 38 39, 40, 41, 42 in range 15 west of the 2nd M, township 42 in ranges 14, 16 west of the 2nd M and township 41 in range 14 west of the 2nd M
9 500 Townships 38 39, 40, 41, 42 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 2nd M and townships 40, 41, 42 in range 13 west of the 2nd M
11 451 Townships 37 38, 39 in ranges 13, 14 west of the 2nd M
12 200 Township 37 in range 15 west of the 2nd M
13 600 Townships 38 39 in ranges 17, 18 west of the 2nd M
14 700 Townships 39 40 in ranges 19, 20 west of the 2nd M
15 550 Townships 39 40 in range 21 west of the 2nd M and township 39 in range 22 west of the 2nd M East of Lenora Lake
16 750 Townships 38 39 in range 23 west of the 2nd M and township 39 in ranges 22, 24 west of the 2nd M
17 950 Townships 38 39 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 2nd M
Dana and Bruno Villages, Kosnigville Hamlet
18 1050 Townships 39 40 in ranges 27, 28 west of the 2nd M
Howell Village
19 700 Townships 36 37, 38 in range 28 west of the 2nd M
20 850 Townships 36 37, 38 in range 27 west of the 2nd M
21 750 Townships 36 37 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 2nd M
22 700 Townships 37 38 in range 24 west of the 2nd M and township 37 in range 23 west of the 2nd M
23 450 Townships 37 38 in range 22 west of the 2nd M
24 900 Humboldt
25 650 Townships 36 37 in range 21 west of the 2nd M Muenster Village
26 500 Townships 36 37, 38 in range 20 west of the 2nd M and township 38 in range 21 west of the 2nd M
27 550 Townships 36 37, 38 in range 19 west of the 2nd M, and Englefeld Village
28 500 Townships 36 37 in range 18 west of the 2nd M, and Watson Town
29 301 Townships 35 36, 37 in range 17 west of the 2nd M
30 400 Townships 34 35, 36 in range 16 west of the 2nd M Quill Lake, Quill Lake Village
31 500 Townships 34 35, 36 in range 15 west of the 2nd M and township 36 in ranges 13, 14 west of the 2nd M, and Clair Village
33 500 Townships 36 37 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 2nd M
34 600 Townships 34 35 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 2nd M and township 33 in range 11 west of the 2nd M
35 550 Townships 34 35 in range 13 west of the 2nd M, and Wadena Village
36 250 Townships 34 35 in range 14 west of the 2nd M
37 500 Townships 34 35 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 2nd M
38 750 Townships 34 35 in ranges 20, 21 west of the 2nd M
39 400 Township 36 in ranges 23 24 west of the 2nd M
40 450 Township 35 in ranges 22 23, 24 west of the 2nd M
41 400 Township 34 in ranges 22 23, 24 west of the 2nd M
42 1003 Townships 34 35 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 2nd M
Viscount Lake
43 1000 Townships 34 35 in ranges 27, 28, fractional 29 west of the 2nd M, and Colonsay Village
45 300 Township 32 in range 11 west of the 2nd M and township 33 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 2nd M
46 250 Township 33 in ranges 13 14 west of the 2nd M
47 350 Township 33 in ranges 15 16 west of the 2nd M
48 450 Townships 31 32 in range 12 west of the 2nd M
49 450 Townships 31 32 in range 13 west of the 2nd M, and Leslie Village
50 400 Townships 31 32 in range 14 west of the 2nd M Elfras Village
51 350 Townships 31 32 in range 15 west of the 2nd M
52 850 Townships 31 32 in range 16 west of the 2nd M, and Wynyard Town
53 200 Township 32 in range 17 west of the 2nd M
54 650 Township 30 in ranges 14 15, 16 west of the 2nd M
55 50 Township 30 in range 17 west of the 2nd M
56 602 Township 30 in ranges 12 13 west of the 2nd M
57 500 Townships 30 31 in range 11 west of the 2nd M, and Foam Lake Village
58 300 Township 28 in ranges 27 28, 29 west of the 2nd M
59 350 Township 27 in ranges 27 28, 29 west of the 2nd M
60 300 Townships 27 28 in range 26 west of the 2nd M
61 452 Townships 27 28 in range 25 west of the 2nd M Imperial Village
62 300 Townships 27 28 in range 24 west of the 2nd M
63 450 Townships 25 26 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 2nd M
64 250 Townships 25 26 in range 26 west of the 2nd M
65 600 Townships 25 26 in ranges 27, 28, 29 west of the 2nd M
66 300 Township 29 in ranges 26 27, 28, 29 west of the 2nd M and township 30 in range 26 west of the 2nd M
67 900 Townships 29 30 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 2nd M, and Venn Village
68 1000 Township 31 in ranges 24 25 west of the 2nd M, and Watson Village
69 750 Townships 31 32 in ranges 26, 27 west of the 2nd M, and Young Village
70 150 Township 30 in ranges 27 28, 29 west of the 2nd M and township 31 in ranges 28, 29 west of the 2nd M
71 854 Township 32 in ranges 28 29 west of the 2nd M and township 33 in ranges 27, 28, 29 west of the 2nd M
72 850 Township 32 in ranges 24 25 west of the 2nd M and township 33 in ranges 24, 25, 26 west of the 2nd M
73 400 Township 33 in range 23 west of the 2nd M and Guernsey Village
74 600 Township 33 in range 22 west of the 2nd M and Lanigan Town
75 450 Township 32 in ranges 20 21 west of the 2nd M, and Esk Hamlet
76 250 Township 33 in ranges 17 18, 19 west of the 2nd M
77 350 Township 32 in ranges 19 20 west of the 2nd M, and Jansen Village
78 400 Township 32 in ranges 21 22 west of the 2nd M, and Drake Village
79 250 Township 32 in range 23 west of the 2nd M
80 400 Township 31 in ranges 22 23 west of the 2nd M, and Lockwood Village
81 301 Township 31 in ranges 20 21 west of the 2nd M
82 350 Township 31 in ranges 18 19 west of the 2nd M and township 32 in range 18 west of the 2nd M
83 350 Township 30 in ranges 18 19 west of the 2nd M
84 200 Township 30 in ranges 20 21 west of the 2nd M
85 350 Township 30 in ranges 22 23 west of the 2nd M
86 750 Township 29 in ranges 22 23 west of the 2nd M, and Nokomis Village
87 500 Township 29 in ranges 20 21 west of the 2nd M and township 28 in range 21 west of the 2nd M
88 300 Township 29 in ranges 18 19 west of the 2nd M
89 600 Township 28 in ranges 18 19 west of the 2nd M, Raymore and Quinton Villages
90 450 Township 28 in range 20 west of the 2nd M
91 850 Township 27 in ranges 21 22 west of the 2nd M, and Govan Village
92 351 Townships 27 28 in range 23 west of the 2nd M
93 600 Townships 25 26 in range 23 west of the 2nd M and fractional part of townships 25, 26 in range 24 west of the 2nd M East of Moutain Lake
94 400 Township 26 in ranges 21 22 west of the 2nd M
95 350 Township 27 in range 20 west of the 2nd M and township 28 in range 22 west of the 2nd M
96 650 Township 27 in ranges 18 19 west of the 2nd M and township 26 in range 18 west of the 2nd M
97 400 Township 26 in ranges 19 20 west of the 2nd M
98 350 Township 25 in ranges 18 19 west of the 2nd M
99 650 Township 25 in ranges 20 21, 22 west of the 2nd M, and Duval Village
100 800 Townships 25 26, 27, 28, 29 in range 17 west of the 2nd M
101 1010 Townships 25 26, 27a, 27 in ranges 15, 16 west of the 2nd M, and Touchwood Hills
102 251 Township 28 in ranges 15 16 west of the 2nd M
103 299/300 Township 29 in ranges 14 15, 16 west of the 2nd M
104 750 Township 29 in ranges 11 12, 13 west of the 2nd M
105 300 Township 28 in ranges 13 14 west of the 2nd M
106 1001 Townships 26 27, 28 in range 11 west of the 2nd M and township 28 in range 12 west of the 2nd M
107 850 Townships 26 27 in ranges 12, 14 west of the 2nd M, and Jasmin Village LeRoss
108 850 Townships 25 26, 27, 27a in range 13 west of the 2nd M, township 25 in range 14 west of the 2nd M, and Kelliher Village
109 550 Township 25 in ranges 11 12 west of the 2nd M, and Stuna Village
110 750 Indian Reserve Touchwood Agency, Muscomequans, Gordons Reserve, Day Stars and Fishing Lake
111 150 Townships 37 38 in range 16 west of the 2nd M
112 400 Davidson
113 200 Township 31 in range 17 west of the 2nd M
114 350 Kinistino Nut Lake Kinistino Indian Agency and Nut Lake Indian Agency