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District Summary Français
Lanark North, Ontario
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1 250 Dalhousie and North Sherbrooke Township
2 500 Dalhousie and North Sherbrooke Township Watson`s Corners
3 500 Dalhousie and North Sherbrooke Township McDonalds Corners
4 650 Darling
5 500 Lanark Township Hopetown Village
6 600 Lanark Township Middleville Village
7 650 Lanark Polling S.D. No. 4
8 600 Lavant Township Caldmells Mills, Willeur Village, Lavant Station, Folger Station, Flower Station
9 350 Pakenham
10 1000 Pakenham Township Pakenham Village - Poll 1 and poll 3
11 350 Pakenham
12 501 Ramsay Poll 1
13 500 Ramsay Township Blakeney Village
14 550 Ramsay Township Appleton Village
15 500 Ramsay Township Clayton Village - Polling Sub-division no. 2
16 250 Sherbrooke North Dalhousie Township, Elphin Village
17 700 Almonte Ward 2
18 500 Almonte Poll 1, Poll 18, Ward 1
19 700 Almonte Ward 3
20 250 Almonte Ward 3 - Almonte, part
21 450 Almonte Ward 1
22 1450 Carleton Place Victoria Ward
23 1050 Carleton Place Dufferin Ward
24 1200 Carleton Place
25 750 Lanark