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Strathcona, Alberta
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1 1050 Townships 41 42, 43, 44 in ranges 1, 2, 3 west of the 4th M, including Chauvin
2 1312 Townships 45 46, 47, 48 in ranges 1, 2, 3 west of the 4th M
3 1951 Townships 41 42, 43, 44 in ranges 4, 5, 6, 7 west of the 4th M, including Wainwright Town Alberta Township
4 1850 Townships 45 46, 47, 48 in ranges 4, 5, 6, 7 west of the 4th M
5 450 Townships 41 42 in ranges 8, 9, 10 west of the 4th M
6 1200 Townships 43 44 in ranges 8, 9, 10 west of the 4th M, including Villages of Sedgewick, part and Hardisty For completion of Sedgewick, see subdistrict 10
7 803 Townships 45 46, 47, 48 in ranges 8, 9 west of the 4th M, including Irma Hamlet
8 650 Townships 47 48 in ranges 10, 11, 12 west of the 4th M
9 650 Townships 45 46 in ranges 10, 11, 12 west of the 4th M
10 1250 Townships 43 44 in ranges 11, 12 west of the 4th M, including Lougheed and Sedgewick Village, part See subdistrict 6 for other part of Sedgewick
11 850 Townships 41 42 in ranges 11, 12, 13 west of the 4th M
12 902 Townships 41 42 in ranges 14, 15, 16 west of the 4th M Hastings Coulée
13 900 Townships 43 44, 45 in range 15 west of the 4th M and township 43 in range 16 west of the 4th M, including Strome Village
14 850 Townships 43 44 in ranges 13, 14 west of the 4th M, including Killam Village
15 950 Townships 45 46 in ranges 13, 14 west of the 4th M and township 46 in ranges 15, 16 west of the 4th M
16 1004 Townships 47 48 in ranges 13, 14, 15 west of the 4th M, including Bruce and Viking Village
17 600 Township 49 in range 13 west of the 4th M and townships 49 50 in ranges 14, 15 west of the 4th M
18 750 Townships 49 50 in ranges 16, 17 west of the 4th M, including Holden Village and Ryley Village
19 951 Townships 47 48 in ranges 16, 17 west of the 4th M
20 900 Townships 45 46 in ranges 17, 18 west of the 4th M, including Bawlf Village
21 1000 Townships 44 45 in ranges 16, 17, 18 west of the 4th M, including Daysland Town
22 950 Townships 44 45, 46 in range 19 west of the 4th M and townships 44, 45 in range 20 west of the 4th M, including Ohaton Village
23 950 Townships 47 48 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 4th M, including Roundhill
24 1000 Townships 49 50 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 4th M, including Kingman
25 1051 Townships 51 52 in ranges 18, 19 west of the 4th M, including Tofield Town
26 300 Townships 51 52 in range 20 west of the 4th M and township 51 in range 21 west of the 4th M Menistic
27 1050 Townships 48 49, 50 in ranges 20, 21 west of the 4th M
28 500 Townships 46 47 in range 20 west of the 4th M and township 47 in range 21 west of the 4th M
29 1700 Townships 44 45, 46 in ranges 21, 22 west of the 4th M, including villages of New Norway, Ferintosh and Bittern Lake
30 553 Townships 44 45 in ranges 23, 24 west of the 4th M
31 650 Township 46 in ranges 23 24 west of the 4th M
32 750 Townships 47 48 in ranges 22, 23 west of the 4th M
33 800 Townships 49 50 in ranges 22, 23 west of the 4th M
34 450 Townships 51 52 in ranges 21, 22 west of the 4th M
35 1855 Townships 51 52 in ranges 23, 24 west of the 4th M
36 650 Townships 51 52 in ranges 24, 25 west of the 4th M
37 1600 Townships 47 48, 49, 50 in range 24 west of the 4th M, including Village of Millet, also Beaumont
38 1050 Townships 44 45, 46 in ranges 25, 26 west of the 4th M
39 600 Townships 44 45, 46 in ranges 27, 28 west of the 4th M
40 1201 Townships 47 48, 49, 50 in range 26 west of the 4th M
41 1000 Townships 47 48, 49, 50 in ranges 27, 28 west of the 4th M
42 752 Townships 47 48, 49, 50, 51 in ranges 1, 2 west of the 5th M
43 700 Townships 44 45, 46 in ranges 1, 2, 3 west of the 5th M
44 100 Townships 44 45, 46 in ranges 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 west of the 5th M
45 250 Townships 47 48, 49, 50 in range 4 west of the 5th M and townships 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 in range 3 west of the 5th M
46 50 Townships 47 48, 49, 50 in ranges 5, 6 east and south of Saskatchewan River
47 2450 Wetaskiwin
48 3100 Strathcona part
49 2500 Strathcona part Strathcona consists of SD 48 and 49
50 1600 Camrose
51 1800 Townships 47 48, 49, 50 in range 25 west of the 4th M, including Leduc Town
52 850 Hobbema Indian Reserve Bobtail Indian Reserve