1901 Census of Canada Page Information |
District: | QU BERTHIER (#142) |
Subdistrict: | Saint-Michel-des-Saints
Page 1 |
Image: |
View the image with:
split screen Images are from National Archives Web Site |
Details: | Schedule 1 Microfilm T-6515 |
Transcriber: | Johan Robitaille |
Proof reader: | Coutu Jean-Claude |
Note: this index is only a partial transcription of the original form, see the image for the complete census data.
indicates a note applies to this line, see the bottom of the page.
If you find a transcription error on this page please use the
proof page
to verify the error is in the transcription and not the original, and to report it.
1 |
Boucher Simé |
M |
Head |
M |
May 8 |
1876 |
1 |
Boucher Marie |
F |
Wife |
M |
Feb 1 |
1882 |
2 |
Provots Félix |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 26 |
1853 |
01 |
2 |
Provots Marie Loise |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jan 23 |
1852 |
01 |
2 |
Provots Marie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jan 21 |
1886 |
2 |
Provots Dolphis |
M |
Son |
S |
Oct 2 |
1889 |
2 |
Provots Marie Loise |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Feb 8 |
1898 |
01 |
2 |
Provots Oscar |
M |
Son |
S |
Jul 19 |
1896 |
01 |
3 |
Labreche Joseph |
M |
Head |
M |
Sep 29 |
1862 |
01 |
3 |
Labreche Rosana |
F |
Wife |
M |
Oct 7 |
1867 |
01 |
3 |
Labreche Alfred |
M |
Son |
S |
Nov 28 |
1891 |
01 |
3 |
Labreche Fardinan |
M |
Son |
S |
Jan 25 |
1894 |
01 |
3 |
Labreche Marguerite |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Nov 3 |
1897 |
01 |
3 |
Labreche Remon |
M |
Son |
S |
Oct 11 |
1899 |
01 |
4 |
St-Jacques Hon. |
M |
Head |
M |
Feb 1 |
1863 |
4 |
St-Jacques Emelina |
F |
Wife |
M |
Oct 6 |
1866 |
4 |
St-Jacques Elphège |
M |
Son |
S |
Jan 19 |
1887 |
4 |
St-Jacques Marcel |
M |
Son |
S |
Jan 15 |
1893 |
01 |
4 |
St-Jacques Marie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Sep 16 |
1894 |
5 |
Labrèche Alfred |
M |
Head |
M |
Dec 8 |
1841 |
5 |
Labrèche Marie Loise |
F |
Wife |
M |
Nov 1 |
1844 |
01 |
6 |
Forget Narcisse |
M |
Head |
M |
Jul 26 |
1863 |
6 |
Forget Rose A. |
F |
Wife |
M |
Jun 15 |
1865 |
6 |
Forget Culbert |
M |
Son |
S |
Mar 16 |
1884 |
01 |
6 |
Forget Charle |
M |
Son |
S |
Mar 25 |
1887 |
6 |
Forget Mariane |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jun 29 |
1889 |
01 |
6 |
Forget Jan P. |
M |
Son |
S |
Jun 26 |
1892 |
6 |
Forget Marie Rose |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Oct 24 |
1893 |
6 |
Forget Marie Loise |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jul 16 |
1895 |
6 |
Forget Caroline |
F |
Daughter |
S |
May 19 |
1897 |
6 |
Forget Elisabet |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jun 1 |
1899 |
6 |
Forget Marguerie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Jun 1 |
1899 |
7 |
Morissette Marc |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 20 |
1871 |
01 |
7 |
Morissette Vallerie |
F |
Wife |
M |
Nov 11 |
1876 |
01 |
7 |
Morissette Marc |
M |
Son |
S |
Dec 1 |
1896 |
01 |
7 |
Morissette Vallerie |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Feb 24 |
1898 |
01 |
7 |
Morissette Marguerite |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Feb 26 |
1900 |
01 |
7 |
Morissette Leandre |
M |
Grand-père/Grand-father |
W |
Nov 14 |
1841 |
7 |
Johnson Joseph |
M |
Grand-père/Grand-father |
W |
Oct 2 |
1823 |
8 |
Labreche Digue |
M |
Head |
M |
May 18 |
1867 |
8 |
Labreche Victoria |
F |
Wife |
M |
Mar 27 |
1868 |
8 |
Labreche Emillia |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Apr 17 |
1889 |
8 |
Labreche Leandre |
M |
Son |
S |
Aug 20 |
1890 |
8 |
Labreche Feliace |
M |
Son |
S |
May 22 |
1892 |
8 |
Labreche Hermidas |
M |
Son |
S |
Mar 13 |
1899 |
8 |
Labreche Josephpha |
M |
Son |
S |
Feb 25 |
1900 |
9 |
Carrière Augustin |
M |
Head |
S |
Feb 22 |
1868 |
01 |
9 |
Charland Herm |
M |
Son |
S |
Nov 17 |
1863 |
9 |
DeGonzgue Ann |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Oct 18 |
1873 |
10 |
Plouf Jan B. |
M |
Head |
M |
Oct 24 |
1849 |
Line Notes On This Page
The following note applies to line 6:
'Né/born: Rhode Island US - Immigr.: 1891' |
The following note applies to line 7:
'Né/born: 1894-02-08 Bpt: 02-09 Marie Louise PROVOST (Félix & Marie Louise Ayotte)' |
The following note applies to line 10:
'Roseanna BONENFANT (Olivier & Geneviève Lemoyne) - m: 1889-04-30 St-Michel des Saints - Joseph DÉZIELLE-LABRÈCHE (Alfred & Marie Louise Giguère)' |
The following note applies to line 14:
'Né/born: 1899-10-11 Bpt: 10-12 Joseph Raymond LABRÈCHE (Joseph & Rosanna Bonenfant)' |
The following note applies to line 16:
'Emélina BOUCHER (Maxime & Emélie Lachance) - m: 1886-09-13 St-Michel des Saints - Honorius CHEVAL-ST-JACQUES (Joseph & Isabelle Bonin)' |
The following note applies to line 21:
The following note applies to line 26:
'Né/born: Maine, US - Immigr.: 1891' |
The following note applies to line 27:
'Né/born: 1892-06-26 Bpt: 06-27 Jean Paul FORGET (Narcisse & Délima Tellier)' |
The following note applies to line 27:
'La note confirme votre proposition: je retire la mienne (JCC)' |
The following note applies to line 29:
'Né/born & bpt: 1895-07-16 Marie Louise Elisabeth FORGET (Narcisse & Rose-Délima Tellier)' |
The following note applies to line 32:
'Né/born & bpt: 1899-06-01 Marguerite FORGET (Narcisse & Rose de Lima Tellier)' |
The following note applies to line 33:
'La note confirme votre proposition: je retire la mienne (JCC)' |
The following note applies to line 34:
'Marie Valérie JANSON (Joseph & Marie Marcelline Houle) - m: 1896-02-04 St-Michel des Saints - Marc MORISSETTE (Léandre & Marie Alphonsine Messier) St-François' |
The following note applies to line 35:
'Né/born: 1896-12-01 Bpt: 12-02 Marc Michel Xavier MORISSETTE (Marc & Valérie Janson)' |
The following note applies to line 38:
'Err. Enumer. Relation au chef de famille devrait lire/relation to head of household should read: Père/father' |
The following note applies to line 39:
'Err. Enumer. Relation au chef de famille devrait lire/relation to head of household should read: Beau-père/father-in-law' |
The following note applies to line 41:
'Victoria BOUCHER (Maxime & Emélie Lachance) - m: 1888-04-16 St-Michel des Saints - William DÉZIELLE-LABRÈCHE (Alfred & Marie Louise Giguière)' |
The following note applies to line 44:
'Né/born & bpt: 1892-05-22 Joseph Philias LABRÈCHE (William & Victoria Boucher)' |
The following note applies to line 46:
'Né/born: 1900-02-25 Bpt: 02-26 Joséphat Albert Donat LABRÈCHE (William & Victoria Boucher)' |
The following note applies to line 49:
'Né/born & bpt: 1873-10-18 Marie Anne Joséphine DE GONZAGUE (Louis-Philippe & Marie Rosalie Joséphine Laporte)' |
Surname Notes On This Page
In household 7, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'Johnson',
a suggested alternative surname is 'Jeanson'.
The person suggesting the alternative surname provided this comment: '** S'applique a la ligne 39 seulement / Only applies to ligne 39 - Père de l'épouse du chef de famille / father of the wife of the head of household'.
In household 9, the enumerator wrote the surname as 'DeGonzgue',
a suggested alternative surname is 'DeGonzague'.
The person suggesting the alternative surname provided this comment: 'See footnote.'.
Field Correction Notes on this page
Field correction notes are suggested changes offered by a
proofreader or user, they should not be considered authoritative. If
the transcriber agrees with the suggestion they will change the line.
Notes for changes that have been made are removed periodically. The
presence of an uncorrected note is an extra prompt to the user to
consult the image. It is always good practice to confirm the accuracy
of the transcription by consulting the image.
Field Value Correction Note |
27 |
6 |
Forget | Jan P. |
M |
Son |
S |
Jun 26 |
1892 |
8 |
On line 27,
the value for the givens
field is "Jan P. (Jean Paul)",
the suggested correction is "Paul". Submitted by Coutu Jean-Claude.
This correction was evaluated by Jean-Guy Coutu:
I have checked the image of the original form and am very sure that the suggested correction does not reflect the original.
This comment was added: C'est vraiment écrit "Jan P." pour "Jean Paul" / it is really written "Jan P." for "Jean Paul"
Field Value Correction Note |
33 |
7 |
Morissette | Marc |
M |
Head |
M |
Jun 20 |
1871 |
29 |
On line 33,
the value for the givens
field is "Marc",
the suggested correction is "Max". Submitted by Coutu Jean-Claude.
This correction was evaluated by Jean-Guy Coutu:
I have checked the image of the original form and am very sure that the suggested correction does not reflect the original.
This comment was added: Marc MORISSETTE époux de Valérie JOHNSON
Field Value Correction Note |
47 |
9 |
Carrière | Augustin |
M |
Head |
S |
Feb 22 |
1868 |
32 |
On line 47,
the value for the givens
field is "Agustave(?)",
the suggested correction is "Augustain". Submitted by Coutu Jean-Claude.
This correction was evaluated by Jean-Guy Coutu:
The suggested change has been made
Field Value Correction Note |
48 |
9 |
Charland | Herm |
M |
Son |
S |
Nov 17 |
1863 |
37 |
On line 48,
the value for the givens
field is "Herm.(?)",
the suggested correction is "Hermas (?)". Submitted by Coutu Jean-Claude.
This correction was evaluated by Jean-Guy Coutu:
I have checked the image of the original form and am very sure that the suggested correction does not reflect the original.
This comment was added: Tel qu'écrit par l'énumérateur / as written by the enumerator: "Herm"
Field Value Correction Note |
49 |
9 |
DeGonzgue | Ann |
F |
Daughter |
S |
Oct 18 |
1873 |
27 |
On line 49,
the value for the givens
field is "? (Anne Joséphine)",
the suggested correction is "Ane". Submitted by Coutu Jean-Claude.
This correction was evaluated by Jean-Guy Coutu:
A change other than the suggested correction has been made, I have checked the image of the original form and agree with the current value
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Go to: Subdistrict Number: j-1
District: BERTHIER
National: Canada.
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Redistribution requires permission: email census@automatedgenealogy.com