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15   62 AshleyJohn M   Head M Jun 8 1856 44

Contact: Jim Galley
Comment: The surname of this family should be ASHBY. John was a brother to my G G grandfather William Ashby who lived in Niagara Falls, Ontario.They came from Nuneaton, Warwickshire in England
Posted: 2007-02-14 20:27:16.0, Renewed: 2007-02-14 20:27:16.0
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13   108 DaveyWilliam M   Son S Jul 18 1881 20

Contact: Jim Galley
Comment: His wife Mary Alice Sullivan was a daughter of Alice Louise Galley/Sullivan. She is a member of my Galley family
Posted: 2006-08-03 11:53:54.0, Renewed: 2006-08-03 11:53:54.0
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