Subdistrict Link Destinations in the 1911 Census

SubdistrictEnum. district# of links
Clarence poll district4183
Belle Isle and Youngs Mountain Road poll district29
Clements West poll district75
Hampton poll district113
Clementsport poll district53
Carleton Corner poll district31
Brighton poll district121
Dorchester Village121
Lawrencetown poll district301
Canard poll district21
Annapolis Royal281
Woods Harbour211
Townships 17201

Barnes, Alford

Barnes, Annie

Barnes, Beatrice

Bath, Ada

Bath, Frank

Bath, John

Bath, Laura

Bath, Percy

Bell, Etta

Bent, Almeta

Bent, Edward

Bent, Fletcher

Bent, Fletcher

Bent, Guy

Bent, Hennigar

Bent, Mary

Camps?, Lettice

Chute, Bertha

Chute, George

Chute, Harry

Chute, Jane

Chute, Justson

Chute, Lillian

Chute, Margaret?

Chute, Minnie

Chute, Percy

Chute, Robert

Clark, Adam

Clark, Edmubd

Clark, Josphine ?

Clark, Ruth

Clark, William

Clements, Sylvia

Coffee?, Levenia

Corbitt, Freeman

Corbitt, Gladys

Corbitt, Ola

Dixon, Eben

Dixon, John

Eisner, Burnett

Eisner, LeRoy

Eisner, Louisa

Fash, Lavenia

Fash, Lorenzo

Fleet, Haeby?

Foster, ????

Foster, Florence

Foster, Gladys

Foster, Sydney

Gilliat, Burpee

Gilliat, Eva

Gilliat, James

Gilliat, James

Gilliat, Minetta

Grey, Herbert

Grey, Maud

Grey, Sylvia

Hall, Arnold

Hall, Edith

Hall, Lansdale?

Howe, Hasmek?

Jackson, Abbie

Jackson, Edward

Jackson, Henry

Jackson, Maggie

Jackson, Percy

Jackson, Robert

Jackson, Stephen

Jackson, William

James, Anne

Jarvis, William

Jodery, Joshua

Jones, Henry

Longley, Annie

Longley, Charlotte

Marshall, Abigale

Marshall, Andrew

Marshall, Artherton

Marshall, Bernice

Marshall, Brittee

Marshall, Clenso

Marshall, Clyde

Marshall, Cyril

Marshall, Edward

Marshall, Emphmia

Marshall, Etta

Marshall, Eugenia

Marshall, Frances

Marshall, Fred

Marshall, Gordon

Marshall, Harry

Marshall, Herbert

Marshall, James

Marshall, Leonard

Marshall, Mable

Marshall, Mary

Marshall, Mary

Marshall, Monson

Marshall, Myrna

Marshall, Newcomb

Marshall, Percy

Marshall, Reginald

Marshall, Robinson

Marshall, Stanley

Marshall, Vera?

Marshall, Vernon

Marshall, Wheelock

Messenger, Clifford

Messenger, David

Messenger, Fannie

Messenger, Josie

Messenger, Leslie

Miller, Catherine

Miller, Elizabeth

Miller, Ernest

Miller, Lizzie

Miller, Mary

Miller, Shirley

Miller, William Jr.

Miller, William Sr.

Mitchell, Annie

Mitchell, Elias

Mitchell, Mane Anne

Munroe, George

Munroe, Harvey

Munroe, Ida

Munroe, Max

Newcomb, Emily

Newcomb, Max

Owens, Charles

Owens, Lizzie

Parker, Charles

Parker, Ralph

Parker, Rupert

Parker, Winnie

Pinkney, David

Poole, Charles

Poole, Earle

Poole, Elnora

Poole, Wylie

Price, Edna

Price, Owen

Price, Wally

Resse, John

Resse, Reginald

Resse, Sophia

Rumsy, Adominam?

Rumsy, Florence

Sabean, Fanny

Saunders, Charles

Saunders, Eugene

Saunders, Lamont

Simms, Benson

Simms, Elizabeth

Simms, Henry

Simms, Percy

Spurr, Charles

Spurr, Laurie

Spurr, Madeline

Spurr, Margarte?

Spurr, William

Stone, Fred

Stone, Seraph

Stronach, Agness

Stronach, William

Stronach, Wylie

Symms, Arthur?

Troop, Alice

Troop, Howard

Tyler, Ethel

Tyler, John

Tyler, John

Tyler, Weston

Vidito, Ada

Vidito, Jesse

Winchester, Robert

Wynot, Annie

Wynot, Harry

Wynot, Hilda

Wynot, LeRoy

Wynot, Wallace

Young, Anna

Young, Clarence