Barrie, b: 14 of 14 is 100.0%. |
Bedford, c-1: 16 of 16 is 100.0%. |
Bedford, c-2: 6 of 6 is 100.0%. |
Bedford, c-3: 6 of 6 is 100.0%. |
Bedford, c-4: 8 of 8 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-1: 13 of 13 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-10: 8 of 8 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-2: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-3: 14 of 14 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-4: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-5: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-6: 10 of 10 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-7: 11 of 11 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-8: 8 of 8 is 100.0%. |
Camden, d-9: 6 of 6 is 100.0%. |
Clarendon & Miller, e-1: 11 of 11 is 100.0%. |
Clarendon & Miller, e-2: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
Denbigh, Abinger & Ashby, a-1: 14 of 14 is 100.0%. |
Denbigh, Abinger & Ashby, a-2: 7 of 7 is 100.0%. |
Denbigh, Abinger & Ashby, a-3: 1 of 1 is 100.0%. |
Hinchinbrooke, f-1: 10 of 10 is 100.0%. |
Hinchinbrooke, f-2: 14 of 14 is 100.0%. |
Hinchinbrooke, f-3: 3 of 3 is 100.0%. |
Hinchinbrooke, f-4: 6 of 6 is 100.0%. |
Kaladar, Anglesea & Effingham, g-1: 16 of 16 is 100.0%. |
Kaladar, Anglesea & Effingham, g-2: 5 of 5 is 100.0%. |
Kaladar, Anglesea & Effingham, g-3: 7 of 7 is 100.0%. |
Kennebec, h-1: 20 of 20 is 100.0%. |
Kennebec, h-2: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
Loughborough, i-1: 16 of 16 is 100.0%. |
Loughborough, i-2: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
Loughborough, i-3: 7 of 7 is 100.0%. |
Loughborough, i-4: 13 of 13 is 100.0%. |
Newburgh (Village), j: 13 of 13 is 100.0%. |
Olden, k: 23 of 23 is 100.0%. |
Oso, l-1: 20 of 20 is 100.0%. |
Oso, l-2: 8 of 8 is 100.0%. |
Palmerston & Canonto, m-1: 10 of 10 is 100.0%. |
Palmerston & Canonto, m-2: 7 of 7 is 100.0%. |
Palmerston & Canonto, m-3: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
Portland, n-1: 7 of 7 is 100.0%. |
Portland, n-2: 10 of 10 is 100.0%. |
Portland, n-3: 8 of 8 is 100.0%. |
Portland, n-4: 7 of 7 is 100.0%. |
Portland, n-5: 14 of 14 is 100.0%. |
Portland, n-6: 7 of 7 is 100.0%. |
Sheffield, o-1: 14 of 14 is 100.0%. |
Sheffield, o-2: 12 of 12 is 100.0%. |
Sheffield, o-3: 12 of 12 is 100.0%. |
Sheffield, o-4: 9 of 9 is 100.0%. |
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