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References for Surname Fraser
Givens Item Pages
The Littles of Galloway and the County of Kent p 147
Moncton New Brunswick Canada 1915 p 16, 22, 40, 52
The Dawsons The history of a Canadian pioneer family (1766 - 1997) p 117
Abigail Old North Esk revised p 45, 160
Abigail (aft 1833) Old North Esk revised p 159
Alexander Old North Esk revised p 160
Andrew (abt 1840) Old North Esk revised p 160
Ann (abt 1793-1858) Old North Esk revised p 159
Ann Old North Esk revised p 160, 267, 268, 269, 270, 371
C.E. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 380
Cameron John Donald Hanington p 86
Carl A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 182
Donald The Chignecto connexion p 168
Father R.B. Along the South Branch of the Saint Nicholas River Ch.3
Howard A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 182
J. (Figure 5) Old North Esk revised p 18
J., Rev. (Figure 4A) Old North Esk revised p 12
J.R. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 113, 141, 182
James A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 44, 44
James The Littles of Galloway and the County of Kent p 8
James (aft 1794) Old North Esk revised p 158
James (abt 1822) Old North Esk revised p 159
James Old North Esk revised p 160
James (Justice of the Peace) Old North Esk revised p 251, 305, 324, 378, 398, 423
James, Rev. Old North Esk revised p 158
Jane (abt 1816-aft 1871) Old North Esk revised p 160
Jane Old North Esk revised p 434, 435
Jessie Old North Esk revised p 103
John The Littles of Galloway and the County of Kent p 23
John (1826) Old North Esk revised p 158
John (1823) Old North Esk revised p 159
John (aft 1823) Old North Esk revised p 159
John Old North Esk revised p 160, 164, 165, 252, 270
John (abt 1838-aft 1861) Old North Esk revised p 160
John A. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 232
John L. The Chignecto connexion p 40
Judge A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 167
Lee Along the South Branch of the Saint Nicholas River p Ch. 11
M.P. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 342, 380, 385
Margaret (1818-aft 1891) Old North Esk revised p 160
Margaret Old North Esk revised p 364, 365
Mary (abt 1802-aft 1871) Old North Esk revised p 159
Mary Old North Esk revised p 160, 252, 253
Mary J. Old North Esk revised p 285
Mary Jane (abt 1839-aft 1870) Old North Esk revised p 160
Mary Jane Old North Esk revised p 287
Mary, Mrs. Old North Esk revised p 158
Miss The Struggle to Serve A History of the Moncton Hospital, 1895 to 1953 p 56
Murdock J. Memories of yesteryear: the history of Elgin p 35
Peter The Chignecto connexion p 159
R.J. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 284
R.P.R. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 246, 247
Rae A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 182
Rev. Robert B. Along the South Branch of the Saint Nicholas River Ch.3
Roy, Mrs. Sackville New Brunswick, Canada p 83
W.F. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 360
W.S. A history of Moncton, town and city, 1855-1965 p 137
William (aft 1844) Old North Esk revised p 160
Wm. Sackville New Brunswick, Canada p 30
Wm. J. The diary of a maritimer 1816-1901 the life and times of Joseph Salter p 195, 197