Extracts from Publications

The Daily Times, Moncton
07 September 1922 p7
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An interesting event took place at the Highfield Baptist parsonage, Wednesday evening, when Gertrude Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Jones, became the bride of Bruce Stiles, son of Mr. And Mrs. Silas Stiles, the Rev. E.H. Cochrane officiating.

The bride was becomingly attired in her travelling suit of navy blue tricotine, with hat to match and grey squirrel neck-piece, gift of the groom. The bride carried a bouquet of bridal roses.

Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple left on the Maritime Express for Upper Canadian cities to spend their honeymoon. The bride and groom received many useful and beautiful gifts among which was a beautiful silver pyrex casserole from the CNR Freight Shed and office staff, where the groom is employed.

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