Home / 1852 / Canada East / Québec (county) / 558 Quebec city St. Roch / p. 1345a, 1345b, (1345)  Split view

Line Name Occupation Place of Birth Religion Residence if out of limits Age Sex
 1 Rousseau, Edd. Médecin Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 44 M
2 Bertrand, Lse Epouse Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 35 F
3 Bilodeau, Adlde Point Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 57 F
4 Rousseau, D. Ecolier Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 15 M
5 Rousseau, Elzd Ecolier Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 14 M
6 Rousseau, Léon Point Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 3 M
7 Rousseau, Eliza Point Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 1/4 F
8 Provencal, Frs Domestique Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 74 M
9 Loof, Guilm Commis Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 16 M
10 Chasseur, M. Ad. Servante Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 53 F
11 Babin, Zélie Servante Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 17 F
12 Pelletier, Venerd Servante Canada F Catholique romaine St Roch 20 F

Notes have been added to the following lines:
Line 1: Rousseau, Dr. Edward, corner King and Craig, as per Marcotte directory 1852.

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