1911 Census of Canada
Home / 1911 / New Brunswick / Kings and Albert / 15 Studholme Parish / page 4 split view experimental: non-pdf split view
Transcribed by: CArol Linden

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1   34 Wright Thomas Head of Millstream M Son S Jul 1881 29 901
2   34 Wright Hiram Head of Millstream M Son S Sep 1883 27 901
note exists icon 3   34 Wright Allie Head of Millstream F Daughter S Jan 1890 21 901
4   34 Wright Grace Head of Millstream F Daughter S Apr 1894 17 01
5   35 Soper George Head of Millstream M Head M Jun 1846 64 8901
6   35 Soper Eliza Head of Millstream F Wife M Jul 1862 48 901
7   35 Soper Myrtle Head of Millstream F Daughter S Jul 1891 19 01**
8   35 Soper George Head of Millstream M Son S Oct 1892 18 01**
9   35 Soper Verron Head of Millstream M Son S Feb 1894 17 01*
10   35 Soper Neal Head of Millstream M Son S Mar 1895 16 01**
11   35 Soper Herb Head of Millstream M Son S Feb 1897 14 01
12   35 Soper Ralph Head of Millstream M Son S Jul 1899 11 01**
13   35 Soper Vivian Head of Millstream F Daughter S Mar 1906 5  
14   36 Hayes Fredick Head of Millstream M Head M Nov 1866 44 8901*
15   36 Hayes Maud Head of Millstream F Wife M May 1877 34 01
16   36 Hayes Stanley Head of Millstream M Son S Aug 1899 11 01*
17   36 Hayes Frank Head of Millstream M Son S Dec 1901 9  
18   36 Hayes Amelia Head of Millstream F Daughter S Jun 1905 6  
note exists icon 19   36 Hayes anna Head of Millstream F Daughter S Jul 1907 3  
20   36 Hayes Charles Head of Millstream M Son S May 1910 1  
21   37 Barton Frank Head of Millstream M Head M Nov 1874 37 01**
22   37 Barton Odessa Head of Millstream F Wife M Apr 1875 35 8901*
note exists icon 23   37 Barton Hattie Head of Millstream F Daughter S Jun 1897 14  
24   37 Barton Zelma Head of Millstream F Daughter S Oct 1903 7 01
25   37 Barton Allen Head of Millstream M Son S May 1905 6  
26   38 Hayes Henery Head of Millstream M Head M Oct 1871 39 8901*
27   38 Hayes Hannah Head of Millstream F Wife M Jun 1878 32 01
28   38 Hayes Harold Head of Millstream M Son S Mar 1897 14 01
29   38 Hayes Gretta Head of Millstream F Daughter S Aug 1898 12 01
30   38 Hayes Warren Head of Millstream M Son S May 1901 10  
31   38 Hayes Lena Head of Millstream F Daughter S Jul 1902 9  
note exists icon 32   38 Hayes Hilyard Head of Millstream M Son S Aug 1903 8  
note exists icon 33   38 Hayes Alma Head of Millstream F Daughter S Nov 1904 6  
34   38 Hayes Ida Head of Millstream F Daughter S May 1905 5  
35   38 Hayes Leah Head of Millstream F Daughter S Sep 1907 3  
note exists icon 36   38 Hayes Lushie Head of Millstream M Son S Oct 1908 2  
37   38 Hayes Owen Head of Millstream M Son S May 1911 1/12  
correction exists icon 38   39 McMullen John Head of Millstream M Head S Sep 1844 66  
39   39 McMullen Rosann Head of Millstream F Sister S Jun 1848 62  
40   40 McHugh Charles Head of Millstream M Head M Feb 1853 58 01
41   40 McHugh Mary Head of Millstream F Wife M Nov 1858 52 01
note exists icon 42   40 McHugh Ugenia Head of Millstream F Daughter S Sep 1898 12  
note exists icon 43   41 Finnnis Charles Head of Millstream M Head S Apr 1876 35 8901*
44   41 Finnnis Jane Head of Millstream F Mother W Aug 1846 64 8901*
45   42 Hayes Harley Head of Millstream M Head M Mar 1887 24 901*
46   42 Hayes Jennie Head of Millstream F Wife M Mar 1889 22 901*
note exists icon 47   43 Foley Sterling Head of Millstream M Head M Jul 1885 25  
48   44 Mason Charlotte Head of Millstream F Head W Dec 1841 69 01
49   45 Miller Thomas Head of Millstream M Head M Dec 1847 63 8901*
50   45 Miller Maggie Head of Millstream F Wife M May 1852 59 8901*

Line notes on this page:
Line 3: YOB corrected by enumerator from 1980. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 19: Age altered, probably from 2. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 23: Birth date is incorrect. Census taker has switched dates for 2 sisters in this family. Firstborn was actually Zelma Havilah in June1897, followed by Hattie Augusta in Oct 1903. (Ref. PANB birth registrations.) (note added by: Carol Foisy)
Line 32: Enumerator corrected Marital Status; original entry unreadable. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 33: Age altered from 7, possibly by enumerator. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 36: Leslie Herbert Hayes, per PANB births. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton) (note added by: Michel Dubois)
Line 42: YOB altered from 1899. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)
Line 47: YOB altered, original entry unreadable. (note added by: G. Timothy Walton)

Suggested corrections on this page:
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38   39 McMullin John   M Head S Sep 1844 66   (corrected values)
38   39 McMullen John   M Head S Sep 1844 66   (current values)

Surname Notes: Surname notes are used to indicate that while the transcription is correct the enumerator may have recorded the surname incorrectly in the original. The surname note gives a suggested "correct" surname, along with sources and notes to support the suggested "correction".

In household 41 the enumerator recorded the surname as "Finnis", a suggested alternative is "Finnis".
The following source(s) support this alternative: "Finnis in 1901 census.".