Surname Index for NORTHUMBERLAND:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ?

District Surname Search

Surname: and (optionally) givens starts with:

29653 lines on 593 pages is 100%.

Notes for this district

Subdistrict Subdistrict 
So Far
Alnwick A-1 7350
Alnwick A-2 261300
Alnwick A-3 18900
Alnwick A-4 18900
Blackville B-1 361801
Blackville B-2 13650
Blissfield  C  201000
Chatham D-1 201000
Chatham D-2 19950
Chatham D-3 201000
Chatham D-4 361800
Chatham D-5 251250
Chatham D-6 16800
Derby  E  18900
Glenelg F-1 12602
Glenelg F-2 16800
Hardwicke G-1 13650
Hardwicke G-2 14700
Ludlow H-1 14700
Ludlow H-2 7350
Nelson I-1 201000
Nelson I-2 201000
Newcastle J-1 17850
Newcastle J-2 18900
Newcastle J-3 221100
Newcastle J-4 201000
Newcastle J-5 9450
North Esk K-1 4200
North Esk K-2 7350
North Esk K-3 13650
North Esk K-4 13650
Rogersville L-1 12600
Rogersville L-2 15750
Rogersville L-3 11550
South Esk M-1 6300
South Esk M-2 18900

View with correction counts

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