1901 line 1: Brown Justine month=c year=1882 age=19

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Brown(3477) Browne(23) Braun(8) Brawn(2) Brome(2) Browm(1) Broom(1)

Close match

1911 Census Record, line 31:

open in new window

1911 record location: Townships 53, Edmonton, Alberta

for Justine Brown

Go to family linking

1901 line 2: Hettinger Nick month=7 year=1867 age=33

Looking for linked surnames...

No match

1901 line 3: Hettinger Eleonard month=4 year=1879 age=22

No match

1901 line 4: Hettinger Mary month=8 year=1897 age=3

No match

1901 line 5: Hettinger Octave month=a year=1898 age=2

No match

1901 line 6: Hettinger Joseph month=1 year=1901 age=0

No match

1901 line 7: Hettinger Pierre month=3 year=1877 age=24

No match

1901 line 8: Houle Norbert month=3 year=1847 age=54

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 9: Houle Theotisse month=3 year=1847 age=54

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 10: Houle Isaï month=7 year=1877 age=24

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

Exact match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 11: Houle Marie month=6 year=1880 age=21

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 12: Houle Mariane month=1 year=1882 age=19

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 13: Houle Marielouise month=a year=1884 age=17

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 14: Houle Omer month=a year=1887 age=14

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

Exact match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 15: Houle Divina month=a year=1889 age=12

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 16: Houle Joseph month=6 year=1874 age=27

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

Exact match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 17: Houle Exilda month=8 year=1876 age=25

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 18: Houle Joseph month=1 year=1893 age=8

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

Exact match

1911 Census Record, line 45:

open in new window

Caution: 1911 record location: St. Léonard, Nicolet, Quebec

for Joseph Houle

Go to family linking

Exact match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 19: Houle Alexina month=2 year=1896 age=5

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

Exact match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 20: Houle Mariane month=7 year=1897 age=4

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 21: Houle Eva month=2 year=1901 age=0

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 22: Houle Thomas month=8 year=1871 age=30

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 23: Houle Delina month=9 year=1874 age=27

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

Exact match

1911 Census Record, line 43:

open in new window

Caution: 1911 record location: St. Antoine de Tilly, Lotbinière, Quebec

for Delina Houle

Go to family linking

1901 line 24: Houle Louise month=1 year=1892 age=9

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 25: Houle Adolard month=a year=1895 age=6

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 26: Houle Lousa month=4 year=1897 age=4

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 27: Houle Isidor month=8 year=1900 age=1

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Houle(396) Houl(13) Houde(12) Hull(1) Hoole(1)

No match

1901 line 28: Desmarais Charles month=3 year=1840 age=61

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Desmarais(149) Demarais(20) Desmaris(1) Desmarrais(1)

No match

1901 line 29: Desmarais Joséphine month=1 year=1844 age=57

Linked surnames: Desmarais(149) Demarais(20) Desmaris(1) Desmarrais(1)

No match

1901 line 30: Desmarais Alexcina month=9 year=1880 age=21

Linked surnames: Desmarais(149) Demarais(20) Desmaris(1) Desmarrais(1)

No match

1901 line 31: Desmarais Ovila month=3 year=1882 age=19

Linked surnames: Desmarais(149) Demarais(20) Desmaris(1) Desmarrais(1)

No match

1901 line 32: Pallier Ivan month=4 year=1862 age=39

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Pellier(2)

No match

1901 line 33: Pallier Marie month=c year=1873 age=28

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Pellier(2)

No match

1901 line 34: Pallier Francois month=a year=1898 age=3

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Pellier(2)

No match

1901 line 35: Pallier Alma month=2 year=1900 age=1

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Pellier(2)

Exact match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 36: Dupuis Eugéne month=4 year=1875 age=26

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 37: Dupuis Virginie month=6 year=1880 age=21

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 38: Dupuis Emille month=5 year=1900 age=1

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 39: Dupuis Joseph month=a year=1838 age=63

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 40: Dupuis Onésime month=6 year=1849 age=52

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 41: Dupuis Pierre month=c year=1879 age=22

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 42: Dupuis Marcelle month=1 year=1883 age=18

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 43: Dupuis Euclide month=1 year=1885 age=16

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 44: Dupuis Rosana month=2 year=1887 age=14

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 45: Dupuis Dora month=2 year=1890 age=11

Linked surnames: Dupuis(547) Dupis(3) Dupeis(1) Depuis(1) Dapiss(1)

No match

1901 line 46: Tellier Trancrède month=5 year=1865 age=36

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Tellier(120)

No match

1901 line 47: Tellier Philomène month=c year=1872 age=29

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Tellier(120)

No match

1901 line 48: Tellier Aristide month=c year=1897 age=4

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Tellier(120)

No match

1901 line 49: Tellier Blanche month=6 year=1900 age=1

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Tellier(120)

No match

1901 line 50: Tellier Dieudonné month=a year=1844 age=57

Linked surnames: Tellier(120)

No match