1901 line 1: Garvais Moïse month=7 year=1835 age=65

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Gervais(4)

No match

1901 line 2: Garvais Marie month=5 year=1833 age=67

Linked surnames: Gervais(4)

No match

1901 line 3: Gervais Frédéric month=7 year=1858 age=42

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Gervais(323) Gervis(3)

Close match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 4: Gervais Alma month=5 year=1860 age=40

Linked surnames: Gervais(323) Gervis(3)

No match

1901 line 5: Turgeon Jos month=1 year=1842 age=58

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Turgeon(352) Turgon(3)

Close match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 6: Turgeon Aristide month=4 year=1847 age=53

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Turgeon(352) Turgon(3)

Exact match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 7: Vallière Arcadeus month=1 year=1855 age=45

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Valliere(69) Vallières(19) Valière(3) Vailliere(3) Vallièrre(1)

No match

1901 line 8: Vallière Vitaline month=8 year=1854 age=46

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Valliere(69) Vallières(19) Valière(3) Vailliere(3) Vallièrre(1)

Close match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 9: Vallière Lucia month=c year=1884 age=16

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Valliere(69) Vallières(19) Valière(3) Vailliere(3) Vallièrre(1)

No match

1901 line 10: Vallière Adélin month=8 year=1890 age=10

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Valliere(69) Vallières(19) Valière(3) Vailliere(3) Vallièrre(1)

No match

1901 line 11: Chabot Extor month=3 year=1876 age=24

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Chabot(256) Chabotte(21)

No match

1901 line 12: Chabot Célina month=8 year=1878 age=22

Linked surnames: Chabot(256) Chabotte(21)

No match

1901 line 13: Demarais Victorine month=a year=1842 age=58

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Desmarais(16) Demaris(6) Demarais(5) Demerais(2) Demeras(1)

No match

1901 line 14: Demarais Charles month=7 year=1885 age=15

Linked surnames: Desmarais(16) Demaris(6) Demarais(5) Demerais(2) Demeras(1)

No match

1901 line 15: Couture Ida month=6 year=1873 age=27

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Couture(583) Cuture(5) Couteur(3) Coture(1)

Close match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 16: Couture Eva month=4 year=1875 age=25

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Couture(583) Cuture(5) Couteur(3) Coture(1)

No match

1901 line 17: Couture Gertrude month=7 year=1896 age=4

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Couture(583) Cuture(5) Couteur(3) Coture(1)

Close match

Records already linked: Links

Go to family linking

1901 line 18: Couture Gustave month=a year=1898 age=2

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Couture(583) Cuture(5) Couteur(3) Coture(1)

No match

1901 line 19: Couture Maurice month=c year=1899 age=1

Record is already linked to 1911. Links

Linked surnames: Couture(583) Cuture(5) Couteur(3) Coture(1)

No match

1901 line 20: Peltier Octave month=6 year=1881 age=19

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Pelletier(75) Peltier(74) Pelthier(3) Pelter(1) Pelltier(1) Pelleteir(1)

No match

1901 line 21: Théreault Estère month=6 year=1868 age=32

Looking for linked surnames...

No match

1901 line 22: Demers L month=6 year=1868 age=32

Given name is too short for matching.

1901 line 23: Demers Adélia month=9 year=1865 age=35

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Demers(640) Demerse(9) Demars(6) Demersee(3) Denarce(1)

No match

1901 line 24: Demers Auxias month=3 year=1891 age=9

Linked surnames: Demers(640) Demerse(9) Demars(6) Demersee(3) Denarce(1)

No match

1901 line 25: Demers Valdémar month=1 year=1894 age=6

Linked surnames: Demers(640) Demerse(9) Demars(6) Demersee(3) Denarce(1)

No match

1901 line 26: Demers Benoit month=1 year=1896 age=4

Linked surnames: Demers(640) Demerse(9) Demars(6) Demersee(3) Denarce(1)

No match

1901 line 27: Demers Laure month=a year=1893 age=7

Linked surnames: Demers(640) Demerse(9) Demars(6) Demersee(3) Denarce(1)

No match

1901 line 28: Lajoie Adelina month=c year=1873 age=27

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Lajoie(187) Lajoi(8)

No match

1901 line 29: Lajoie Fran month=4 year=1836 age=64

Linked surnames: Lajoie(187) Lajoi(8)

No match

1901 line 30: Girard Jos month=1 year=1865 age=35

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Girard(624) Gerard(31) Guérard(1)

Close match

1911 Census Record, line 2:

open in new window

Caution: 1911 record location: Stadacona ward, Quebec East, Quebec

for Jos Girard

Go to family linking

1901 line 31: Girard Philomène month=b year=1869 age=31

Linked surnames: Girard(624) Gerard(31) Guérard(1)

No match

1901 line 32: Girard Harmand month=9 year=1898 age=2

Linked surnames: Girard(624) Gerard(31) Guérard(1)

No match

1901 line 33: Girard Emélienne month=a year=1899 age=1

Linked surnames: Girard(624) Gerard(31) Guérard(1)

No match

1901 line 34: Jodoin Salvator month=3 year=1877 age=23

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Jodoin(73) Joadoin(2) Jeaudoin(1)

No match

1901 line 35: Fontaine Gédéon month=9 year=1867 age=33

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Fontaine(329) Fontain(3) Fantains(1) Fontana(1) Fontane(1)

No match

1901 line 36: Fontaine Albina month=7 year=1866 age=34

Linked surnames: Fontaine(329) Fontain(3) Fantains(1) Fontana(1) Fontane(1)

Close match

1911 Census Record, line 32:

open in new window

Caution: 1911 record location: St. Ours, Richelieu, Quebec

for Albina Fontaine

Go to family linking

1901 line 37: Fontaine Maria month=9 year=1890 age=10

Linked surnames: Fontaine(329) Fontain(3) Fantains(1) Fontana(1) Fontane(1)

Exact match

1911 Census Record, line 9:

open in new window

Caution: 1911 record location: St. Henri, Hochelaga, Quebec

for Maria Fontaine

Go to family linking

1901 line 38: Fontaine Extor month=3 year=1892 age=8

Linked surnames: Fontaine(329) Fontain(3) Fantains(1) Fontana(1) Fontane(1)

No match

1901 line 39: Fontaine Henry month=7 year=1894 age=6

Linked surnames: Fontaine(329) Fontain(3) Fantains(1) Fontana(1) Fontane(1)

No match

1901 line 40: Fontaine Domina month=2 year=1897 age=3

Linked surnames: Fontaine(329) Fontain(3) Fantains(1) Fontana(1) Fontane(1)

No match

1901 line 41: Lemieux Edouard month=7 year=1850 age=50

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Lemieux(583) Lemiux(5) Lemeaux(4) Lemeiux(1) Lamieux(1)

No match

1901 line 42: Lemieux Adelia month=c year=1851 age=49

Linked surnames: Lemieux(583) Lemiux(5) Lemeaux(4) Lemeiux(1) Lamieux(1)

No match

1901 line 43: Lemieux Téonine month=b year=1879 age=21

Linked surnames: Lemieux(583) Lemiux(5) Lemeaux(4) Lemeiux(1) Lamieux(1)

No match

1901 line 44: Morel John month=4 year=1843 age=57

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Morel(107) Maurel(4) Morelle(3)

Close match

1911 Census Record, line 1:

open in new window

Caution: 1911 record location: St. Liboire Parish, Bagot, Quebec

for John Morel

Go to family linking

1901 line 45: Morel Renée month=6 year=1872 age=28

Linked surnames: Morel(107) Maurel(4) Morelle(3)

No match

1901 line 46: Morel Charles month=6 year=1873 age=27

Linked surnames: Morel(107) Maurel(4) Morelle(3)

No match

1901 line 47: Morel Arthur month=7 year=1874 age=26

Linked surnames: Morel(107) Maurel(4) Morelle(3)

No match

1901 line 48: Morel Roseline month=8 year=1878 age=22

Linked surnames: Morel(107) Maurel(4) Morelle(3)

No match

1901 line 49: Morel Marc month=c year=1887 age=13

Linked surnames: Morel(107) Maurel(4) Morelle(3)

No match

1901 line 50: Guilmain Rosana month=8 year=1886 age=14

Looking for linked surnames...

Linked surnames: Guilmain(2)

No match